Project Summary
Figure 1: Overall concept for implementation of the project

The electrical distribution system is one of the most critical sections of power system as it brings power directly to the consumers. However, the current Nepal distribution system is highly under-equipped with a total system loss of around 15% and suffers from

Distribution automation can help to strengthen the electric distribution system. This study will focus on development of tool for distribution automation: Outage management and Network reconfiguration. Data from various field devices such as smart meters, automated devices such as capacitor banks, reclosers, load-break switches, tap-changing transformers, over-head line fault indicators etc will be sent via wireless system to a central control center where the data will be analyzed and visualized. An Artificial Intelligence (AI) based algorithm will then utilize these data to identify precise electrical fault location and isolation, and provide correct procedure for power restoration. Moreover, the monitored data will be given to a power loss reduction algorithm which provide optimal feeder reconfiguration for reduction of the system loss.

This project will help in effective teaching subjects in Electrical and Electronics engineering and work as a hub for field engineers, academicians and experts due to the establishment of a Distribution Automation laboratory and a pilot implementation. The lab will specialize in development of state-of the art algorithms using AI and smart metering. The tool developed by this project can play a vital role to improve reliability and reduce power/energy loss of the current Nepal distribution system.

Consortium Members
School of Engineering
School of Engineering
Kathmandu University
Dhulikhel, Kavre
K&A Engineering Consulting
K&A Engineering Consulting
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, Gjøvik and Ålesund
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  • +977-11-415100
  • samundra.gurung@ku.edu.np

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